live! or die trying

trying to travel as much as I can, while avoiding a job for as long as I can.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I'm melting, melting!

More than 24 hours after I got on my flight at Orlando International Airport, I finally arrived in Melbourne, Australia around noon on March 3rd. Megan picked me up at the Melbourne airport. We dropped off my luggage at her place, then took the tram to downtown... or CBD (central business district) as they are called here.

We wondered around CBD for a bit so I could look around and pretend to be a tourist. I snapped a few photos, but the sun was unbelieveable, making most taking any decent photo impossible.

After almost getting heat stroke under the Australian sun, Megan took me to her climbing gym - Hard Rock. So first day off my flight, about 3 am US Eastern Time, I was trying to pass the lead test in an Australian climbing gym. My body was confused and bewildered. Needless to say I climbed as well as an one-legged zombie.

Nex Monday Megan and I will be going to Tasmania for a week of climbing and camping. We are coming back on the 14th of March, then I will be boarding a plane to New Zealand on the same day. I plan to go to Castle Hill for some bouldering while Megan stay in Melbourne and do some work. So from now to the 24th of March, there probably won't be much updates from me.


  • At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hope your having fun bro.



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